Sunday, June 17, 2012

Paternal instincts

Every day is a father's day,
Today, tomorrow, and yesterday. 
Not only is my child's love agape,
But so is mine for the world far and away. 

It is not the meter or the rhyme that matter,
But rather the purity of your selfless river. 
So let not this day be the culmination,
But just a precursor to this daily salutation:

"I love you, Dad."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Light on my doorstep

Light pours through the careless seams
That bound up the valley below my weakest dreams.
Light oozes out of the rocks
In the higher plains of life's political screams.

Is this the moment we've sought in the dark?
Is this the place I was next to you?
Did we make it together, through the
Social alms mixed with pop-star guitar solos
And bright stage lights?

A concert rages for those that lost
To those that gained an unceremonious
Upper hand, begging the question,
As light plays on my doorstep,
"Where do you stand?"